If you practice as a solo or in a small firm, Lawyerist is a resource you should use. Lawyerist started out in 2007 as a blog called SoloSmallTech started by Sam Glover. Aaron Street joined Lawyerist and together they evolved the blog into a content driven website for solos and small firms.
There are many blogs/websites that feature list-based articles. You’ve seen them: “10 Tips for Getting More Links,” “5 Ways to Increase Conversions.” Those sites and those types of articles are fine and can be very useful. Certainly, Lawyerist has articles just like that. However, some sites, such as Lawyerist also have very informative and sometimes even instructive articles. These sites are worthy of a longer look and we encourage you to bookmark Lawyerist , follow them on Twitter, subscribe to their RSS, you know – whatever the kids do these days to keep up.
What kind of content can you expect from Lawyerist ? You can find podcasts there about the practice of law for solos and small firms. Recent podcasts include, “How to Leave a Small Firm in a Small Town, with Paul Floyd,” “How to Spot Fly-by-Night Legal Tech, with Joshua Lenon,” and “Using Public Court Data to Predict Court Outcomes, with Sam Harden.”
They have a blog, under their “Topics” section that includes articles on Legal Technology, Practice Management, Legal Marketing, etc., and “Survival Guides” in pdf format that you can download. Titles include “4-Step Computer Security Upgrade,” “Personal Productivity for Lawyers,” and “30 Minute WordPress Setup Guide.” Their blog is our favorite section.
Finally, they have a Q&A Forum, not their best section due to its limited traffic, and a Law Firm Websites section which features their Annual Best Law Firm Websites Contest. Every year Lawyerist selects the top ten websites from websites suggested by their readers to include in their list. This section also includes information intended to help you get the best website for your needs and they offer to make a personalized recommendation for you if you fill out their needs assessment form.
Overall, Lawyerist is a resource solos and small firms interested in legal technology and general information about running a practice should come back to regularly. With an Internet full of self-proclaimed experts on everything, Lawyerist should be on your shortlist, and certainly in your bookmarks.