With over 20 years of criminal defense experience, I am dedicated to providing the criminally accused the best criminal defense available to those under investigation or prosecution in state and federal courts.
For people who have been charged with a criminal offense, it is imperative that you obtain the help of a qualified criminal defense attorney to help protect your rights, to thoroughly investigate your case and to craft a strong defense.
For people who have not yet been charged with a criminal offense but who believe they are under investigation it is imperative that you obtain the help of a qualified criminal defense attorney to help ensure that your legal rights are totally protected. By beginning the defense investigative process early before charges have been filed, substantially increases the likelihood of a positive outcome to your case.
With over 20 years of criminal defense experience, I am dedicated to providing the criminally accused the best criminal defense available to those under investigation or prosecution in state and federal courts.
For people who have been charged with a criminal offense, it is imperative that you obtain the help of a qualified criminal defense attorney to help protect your rights, to thoroughly investigate your case and to craft a strong defense.
For people who have not yet been charged with a criminal offense but who believe they are under investigation it is imperative that you obtain the help of a qualified criminal defense attorney to help ensure that your legal rights are totally protected. By beginning the defense investigative process early before charges have been filed, substantially increases the likelihood of a positive outcome to your case.